Do you have aging cows in your herd? Are you not happy with their milk production abilities? Have the medical expenses of heavy-weight cows suddenly increased? Want to know how you can solve these problems and more by just using the right cow mats?
The right cow mats do not only refer to their quality but also to the cow mat size.
Dairy farmers rely on healthy and productive cows to run their businesses. The types of milk-producing cows- like Gir, Red Sindhi, Kankrej, Sahiwal, or Jersey- have a large build. Their body weight is greater, and they have a broad body structure- with some of them weighing around 700 kg.
One of the common health issues that heavy-weight dairy cows face, especially as they age, is arthritis. This painful condition can severely affect a cow’s mobility, leading to decreased milk yield and higher veterinary costs.
How can you tell your cows have Arthritis?
The cows have a non-aggressive, gentle nature. Therefore, you will not know they are in pain unless the situation is severe.
Arthritis is a condition where the joints become inflamed. It is detected with the help of Radiographic or Sonographic evaluation. The vets also analyze the synovial fluid to tell if your cows have arthritis.
The common signs of arthritis in cows include:
- Lameness: Difficulty walking or moving
- Swelling: Enlarged or inflamed joints
- Changes in movement: Altered gait or posture
- Fever: Elevated body temperature
Thus, if you want to visually detect if the cows have the problem, check if the answer to these questions is ‘yes’:
- Is any of the cows limping?
- Are their joints swollen and warm?
- Are they reacting in pain when you are touching the joints?
- Are they lying down more often?
- Do they have a fever?
If your cows have arthritis and it is not too late, you can still make things right.
However, as prevention is better than cure, trust a good-quality cow mattress for a change. Are you looking for our cow mat online price? Check out the Duratuf store if you need cow mats in lesser quantities.
Wondering what are cow mats and how are they better than traditional cow bedding? This blog compares 4 types of traditional cow bedding with rubber cow mats. Take a look now!
Coming back, if you are confused about how cow mats can prevent arthritis in the cows, go through this blog from cow mat experts:
5 ways in which cow mats reduce the chance of arthritis in cows
Provides Soft-Cushioning to the Joints
The cows spend most of their time standing. For the heavy-weight cows, it agitates their joints because of their overall body weight. Concrete and hard floors of the barn put immense pressure on the legs of the cows.
Cow mats made of a combination of rubber and EVA are thick and padded. Their smart designs and patterns (hexagons or diamonds) distribute the body weight of the cows on the cow mats evenly.
As a result of this cushioning effect of a cow mattress, any one joint in their legs does not have to bear too much pressure. This simple change in flooring can significantly lower the chances of joint-related issues.
However, before looking for cow mat online price, choose a trusted cow mat supplier.
Up to 65.48% Reduced Risks of Slips and Falls
One of our cow mat users has analyzed that our cow mats have reduced the risks of slips and falls for their 25 Jersey cows. They bought the standard cow mat size.
Slippery floors are mostly common during the monsoons. The barn floors remain wet from continuous rainfall. On top of it, the accumulation of cow urine, feces, cow feed, and drinking water worsens the situation.
If you neglect the situation, the heavyweight cows can slip, injuring their joints, and leading to sprains, strains, or even fractures. These injuries, if not treated properly, can develop into chronic arthritis.
Cow mats offer a good grip even when the floor is wet. Duratuf cow mats also come with drainage channels that facilitate water flow.
What are the factors that determine the cow mat price? Sure, their features!
Provides Warmth and Comfort
While cows love standing, they can also spend up to 14 hours lying down. Older cows have this tendency more. It is crucial that lactating cows get proper rest and they are stress-free because that improves hormonal production in them.
Cow mats create a comfortable resting area that encourages cows to lie down more often and for longer periods. This extended rest allows their joints to recover from daily wear and tear, reducing the likelihood of arthritis.
Cow Mattress Promotes Blood Circulation
Abundant blood flow and proper blood circulation in the joints relieve the cows of pain. When the cows sit or stand on hard surfaces, their joints become stiff.
Imagine wearing a hard-heeled shoe for 8-9 hours. Don’t your knees start paining? The same thing happens for the cows.
Cow mats, with their soft and flexible surface, help maintain proper blood flow by reducing pressure points.
Minimizes the Exposure to Cold & Damp Barn Floors
Concrete floors become stone-cold during the winter. On the other hand, they become too hot during the summer. The monsoons lead to a wet situation. If the temperature of the barn floors changes this much- don’t you think the cows will remain unaffected?
Cow mats act as an insulating barrier between the cow and the cold floor, keeping their joints warm and dry. This insulation is especially important during the winter months when the risk of arthritis increases due to the cold. By keeping the cows’ legs and joints warm, cow mats help in preventing the onset of arthritis.
Monsoon brings unique challenges for dairy farmers. Continuous rainfall and high humidity can create a breeding ground for a number of diseases. Have you noticed an infection in the hoofs of the cows, bleeding from their udder, or diarrhea?
Get a full guide on how to reduce cattle diseases during the monsoon.
Looking for cow mats for sale? Have a glimpse of the Duratuf Cow Mat features first:
- Smart designs: Hexagonal or Diamond
- Interlocking pattern
- Drainage channels
- Anti-bacterial
- Lightweight
- Optimum Thickness

To sum up:
Investing in cow mats is a small but significant step towards improving the health and well-being of your cows. By preventing arthritis, you not only enhance the quality of life for your cows but also ensure a steady and increased milk yield, which directly benefits your dairy business. Cow mats are easy to install and maintain, and provide long-term benefits that far outweigh the initial cost.
Get the cow mat online price for Duratuf cow mats now! Reach out to us over WhatsApp or call on +91-80880-01133!