Imagine standing in a room full of arcs of Tesla coils, with high-voltage crackling electricity. Do you feel safe without suitable protective gear? Now, imagine the same situation, but this time you are standing on rubber mats for electrical panels.

Insulated rubber mats for the electrical panels are reliable electrical safety equipment. With the rising awareness about using the right rubber mats in front of electrical panels, you would certainly feel safe when standing on them.

Isn’t it?

But, could these insulated rubber mats for the electrical panels actually protect you if a stray arc veers your way?
As specialists in electrical safety mats, we are happy to answer one of the most frequently asked questions from the buyers. Find out the answer ahead!

tesla coils vs insulating mats

Understanding the Functioning of Rubber Mats for Electrical Panels

An electrical safety rubber mat for electrical panel is specifically designed to offer electrical safety. Having great di-electric strength, these mats do not break down near high voltage. However, you have to make sure that you are using the right rubber mat standard for electrical panel. Typically, the electrical mats protect effectively against 1 kV to 36 kV AC.

Typically, the electrical mats protect effectively against 1 kV to 36 kV AC. But can these mats handle the extraordinary voltage of a Tesla coil? While standard electric panel rubber mats are rated to insulate against thousands of volts, Tesla coils generate extremely high-frequency currents, which challenge even the best insulating materials.

How Tesla Coils Work and Why Are They Dangerous?

Tesla coils are named after Nikola Tesla, the inventor who created the concept of high-voltage, low-current, high-frequency alternating-current electricity. It is often used in scientific demonstrations to show how electricity ‘jumps through the air’ creating arc-like formations.

Nonetheless, unlike the steady Direct Current (DC) present in most types of electrical panels, the Tesla coils emit an Alternating Current (AC). This Alternative Current can range from thousands to millions of high-voltage electricity. The more the voltage is, the more difficult it is to select the right electrical insulation tool. Moreover, Tesla coils tend to find ways through air and surfaces that are designed to resist electrical flow.

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Insulated Rubber Mats for Electrical Panels Near Tesla Coils: Calculating the Effectiveness

Although the rubber mats for electrical panels are reliable personal protective equipment, they do not work effectively near the Tesla coils.

Below are 3 reasons why:

  • Generate not ‘Transmit’ Electricity

The Tesla coils generate very high-frequency electricity, much more than an electrical mat could sustain. The primary function of a Tesla coil is to step up voltage, not current. This means that while the voltage output is incredibly high (millions of volts), the current is relatively low.

It can power small devices easily within a short distance. Insulated rubber mats for the electrical panels protect from electricity ‘transmitted’ from devices. Therefore, they are ineffective against the power-generating Tesla coils.

Insulated rubber mats for the electrical panels are of three types:

  1. IEC 61111:2009: Comes in classes 0 to 4 (1 kV to 36 kV)
  2. IS 15652: Comes in classes, A, B, and C (3.3 kV to 33 kV)
  3. ASTM D178: Comes in classes 0 to 4 (1 kV to 36 kV)

Apart from these, there are 3 other types of insulating mats that are not that popular among users.

image showing close view of electrical mats

  • Skin-Effect in the Tesla Coils

High-frequency voltage in the Tesla coils travels through the surface of a conductor. The energy travels through the surface of rubber mats for electrical panels, instead of being contained. Moreover, Tesla coils can produce sparks that jump through the air, making the insulated rubber mats for the electrical panels ineffective against such high-frequency discharges.

  • Grounding Limitations

Insulating mats for electrical panels channel static electricity into the electricity-neutral ground. However, they cannot prevent the flow of electrical current into the ground. If a person standing on the insulated rubber mats for the electrical panels, comes into contact with a grounded object, they could still receive an electric shock.

Electrical Mats are Useful in Places with Tesla Coils

While electrical mats may not provide adequate safety against the high-frequency voltage of Tesla coils, they can still be extremely beneficial in imparting electrical safety. First, you can use rubber mats in front of electrical panels for protection against accidental contact with grounded equipment.

Second, the rubber composition in the electrical mats creates an anti-fall, effective flooring in the workplace. Some areas can be extremely slippery due to constant exposure to chemicals, water, or moisture.

Third, the workers in charge of maintaining electrical equipment can work stress-free, knowing that they can safely work on those machines.

Additional Safety Measures for Tesla Coils

If your environment involves regular exposure to high-frequency or high-voltage currents, you can use a ‘Faraday Cage’ along with rubber mats for electrical panels. You can also follow proper grounding practices can help to divert electrical energy safely into the earth, reducing risks.

In a Nutshell,

Rubber Mats for electrical panels are trusted as necessary electrical safety equipment, but they have some limitations as well. Understanding the differences will make you a smart buyer and a responsive employer.

The electrical mats indeed save you from a range of accidents.
We can help you know more. Contact us if you have any queries.

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